The special issue aims to publish new empirical research on the politics and policies of the COVID-19 pandemic in the Latin American region. The potential scope can be broad, as long as it addresses political dimensions related to COVID-19 in Latin America and makes an explanatory or conceptual contribution. We are particularly interested in analyses of government responses to the pandemic and/or the political consequences of COVID-19. A cross-country focus is preferable, but case-studies are welcome too. The Special Issue is meant to be published as the final JPLA number in 2021. The accepted articles will be available online as soon as they are ready, after having completed the peer-review process and will be Open Access. They can take the form of a regular research article (max. 10,000 words) or a research note (max. 6000 words), but they must show a substantial empirical contributionin either case. Please pay attention to the following deadlines:15 March 2021: presentation of a one to two-page abstract, describing the purpose of the article, the data, and the methodology.25 March 2021: based onthe abstract, we will invite authors to submit the full manuscript. 30 May 2021: submission of the full manuscript, which will be sent out for peer-review.
15 March 2021: presentation of a one to two-page abstract, describing the purpose of the article, the data, and the methodology.
25 March 2021: based on the abstract, we will invite authors to submit the full manuscript.
30 May 2021: submission of the full manuscript, which will be sent out for peer-review.