Las coordinadoras del Grupo de Investigación en Políticas Públicas y Protección Social de ALACIP, Natália Sátyro y Carmen Midaglia junto a Eloísa del Pino, editaron este volumen Latin American Social Policy Developments in the Twenty-First Century. UK: Palgrave Macmillan/Springer, 2021. Págs 349. Hardcover ISBN: 978-3-030-61269-6 / eBook ISBN 978-3-030-61270-2.
This book explores the scope of reforms and changes in the social protection systems in Latin America that have started at the beginning of the 21st century. It describes how and to what extent changes in social protection systems and social policies have occurred in the region in recent decades. Taking a comparative approach, the volume identifies the triggers for the transformations and how such pressures are received by the welfare regime, or a specific policy sector, to finally yield a given type of reform. The analysis is characterized by the presence of certain factors that explain the development of social protection systems in Latin America, such as economic growth, the consolidation of democratic political regimes, and the region’s Left Turns. The book also examines to what extent common challenges and processes induced by international institutions have led to convergence among countries or welfare regimes, or whether each maintains its own identity.
The Latin American Social Protection Systems in Action: Triggers and Outcomes of Reforms at the Start of the Twenty-First Century. Eloísa del Pino, Natália Sátyro and Carmen Midaglia.
Stratified Universalistic Regimes in the Twenty-First Century: Widening and Compounding Inequalities in Welfare and Social Structure in Argentina, Uruguay, Chile and Costa Rica. Gala Diaz Langou.
Actors and Social Reforms in Five Dual Welfare Regimes in Latin America: Brazil, Mexico, Colombia, Panama and Venezuela. Carlos Barba Solano and Enrique Valencia Lomelí.
Reviewing Exclusionary Welfare Regimes: Andean Countries (Bolivia, Ecuador, and Peru). Analía Minteguiaga and Gemma Ubazart-González.
How ‘Liberal’ Are Latin American Welfare Regimes?. Armando Barrientos and Martín Powell.
Social Security and Pension Systems: The Deep Stratification of Latin American Societies. Gibrán Cruz-Martínez, Luis Vargas Faulbaum and Ricardo Velázquez Leyer.
Health Care Reform in Latin America: Not All Roads Lead to Rome. Guillermo Fuentes, Fabrício Carneiro and Martín Freigedo.
Social Assistance: Conditional Cash Transfers—A Gateway into Social Protection Systems. Simone Cecchini.
Beyond States and Markets: Families and Family Regimes in Latin America. Merike Blofield, Fernando Filgueira, Cecilia Giambruno and Juliana Martínez Franzoni.
Family Policies in Latin American Countries: Re-enforcing Familialism. Natália Sátyro and Carmen Midaglia.
The Paradigmatic Radical Reform in Brazil’s Social Policies: The Impact of the Temer Administration. Natália Sátyro.