Se realizó el lanzamiento de la página del 12º Congreso Latinoamericano de Ciencia Política – ALACIP, Lisboa durante el 27º Congreso de IPSA.
Mesa organizada por ALACIP Political and Regime Instability in Latin America, con la participación de Martín Tanaka, Mariana Llanos y Aníbal Pérez-Liñán presentada por Daniel Buquet.
In recent years, several Latin American countries have experienced a series of crises that have triggered high levels of political instability and called into question the continuity of democracy. Social outbursts, conflicts between the executive and legislative branches that have led to presidential impeachment, and corruption cases that question the legitimacy of governments have put democratic institutions in the continent under stress. In this context, it is essential to understand the factors that explain why some presidents fail to fulfill their terms, bringing political instability to the system on the one hand, and why other presidents succeed in capturing the majority on the other branches of government, weakening the checks and balances on the other. This round table brings together four scholars interested in Latin American politics and democracy and proposes, through an interchange of ideas, to discuss the novelty of these phenomena and the strength of political actors and democratic institutions in the region to cope with them.
Reunión del Comité Ejecutivo de ALACIP
La reunión ordinaria del CE-ALACIP fue presencial y on line, con la participación del la mayoría del CE.