Para ver la convocatoria en español aquí: gee_llamada_alacip2017
The Executive Studies Group of the Latin American Political Science Association is please to open the call to present panel and paper proposals for our Ninth Annual Congress to be held in Montevideo on July 26, 27 and 28. The submission deadline is January 15th, 2017.
Call for Papers and Panels
Noveno Congreso Latinoamericano de Ciencia Política
Ninth Latin American Congress of Political Science
¿Democracias en recesión?
Democracies in retreat?
26, 27 and 28 of July, 2017
Montevideo, Uruguay
The Executive Studies Group (GEE ALACIP) Latin American Association of Political Science is pleased to initiate a call to participate in a series of symposiums which will have 4 panels with 5 participants each, within the framework of the ninth Latin American Congress of Political Science. This symposium brings together works that deal with the study of executive power, especially in the following areas: Internal organization of the Executive Branch; Cabinets, stability and relations with the President and the presidential center; Advisory networks in the Executive Branch; Expertise and technical capacities in the Executive Branch; Legislative and regulatory production of the Executive Branch: construction of the legislative agenda of the Executive Branch; Organization and decision-making processes in different areas of public policy; The Executive in international relations; The Executive and the interest groups; The Executive and the armed and security forces; Relations between the national executive and subnational executives; Presidents’ decision-making styles; Relations of the Executive with Congress; Relations of the Executive Branch with the Judicial Branch; Relations of the Executive Power with the public bureaucracy.
The purpose of these panels is to renew the theoretical and methodological discussion on executive power in the continent, to draw some general conclusions on the progress made and to suggest lines of future research. We hope these panels will highlight the outstanding issues in the agenda of the study of executives place in critical perspective the methodological strategies employed.
Panels will be designed to give an account of the debate in the region on the executive power and we invite the presentation of works that approach the subject from distinct conceptual, methodological and empirical points of view. Works with a comparative perspective are particularly welcome.
Objectives of GEE-ALACIP
• To promote research on the Executive Branch in the region and in a comparative perspective.
• To discuss methodologies for the study of the organization, decision-making processes and policy outcomes of the Executive Branch’s activity.
• The promotion of cooperation for the collection of information and the construction of databases on the Executive Branch at the regional level.
• To strengthen links between researchers and specialized research units in the Executive Branch.
Thematic areas for panel proposals
1. Theme 1: Presidents, Presidencies and the Presidential Center
2. Theme 2: Relations of the Executive with the Legislative and Judicial branches
3. Theme 3: Presidents, Cabinets and Bureaucracies
4. Theme 4: National and subnational executives
Rules for participation
1. Each participant may submit only one paper, but may also act as a commentator or session coordinator.
2. All participants must be members of ALACIP, which means paying both the membership dues to the Association and the cost of registration for the conference.
Requirements for submitting papers
1. The proposed work must relate to one of the thematic areas indicated above.
2. The proposal shall state:
A. Full name of author
B. Institutional affiliation
C. Contact information: e-mail, phone number
3. The proposal must include a 250 word abstract.
4. Proposals can be in language: Spanish, Portuguese or English. However, the presentations can only be presented in Spanish or Portuguese (although the text of the presentation is written in English).
5. Indicate if you want to be a panelist and / or moderator.
6. Preference will be given to works that develop a comparative perspective and those based on empirical analysis
7. Proposals must be sent electronically until January 15, 2017 to GEE-ALACIP ( and Magna Inácio (
Selection and presentation of the final works
1. The notification of the result of the selection will be made on March 1, 2017.
2. The selection of the works will be done taking into account the relevance of the research topic and the quality of the summary presented for consideration.
3. Geographical and gender balanced participation shall be sought as far as possible.
15/01/2017 Due date for sending proposals
01/03/2017 Notification of acceptance of proposal
30/04/2017 Deadline for discounted registration
31/05/2017 Deadline for registration
30/06/2017 Due date for sending completed papers
26-29/07/2017 Dates of the Ninth Metting of the Latin American Political Science Association
Looking forward to seeing you all in Montevideo!