II ENCONTRO DA PÓS GRADUAÇÃO EM CIÊNCIA POLÍTICA O encontro ocorrerá durante os dias 12, 13 e 14 de novembro, no Auditório I do Instituto de Filosofia e Ciências Humanas – … [Leer más...]
APSA Minority Fellows Program
APSA Minority Fellows Program The 2013-2014 APSA Minority Fellowship Application Cycle is now open! Application Deadline: Friday, October 19, 2012 Completed application materials (postmarked by October 19, 2012) should be … [Leer más...]
Education and Public Finance: Advances in Research CALL FOR PAPERS
Distinguished researcher, The Center for Economic and Fiscal Research (CIEP for its acronym in spanish) is pleased to announce this Call for Papers on Education and Public Finance. The main purpose is to promote … [Leer más...]
La revista de Ciencia Política de la Universidad Nacional de Colombia publicará un número especial sobre Partidos Políticos y Sistemas Electorales en América Latina. La convocatoria con sus detalles se … [Leer más...]