Nos complace informar que los paneles organizados por Espacio Alacip para los congresos LASA 2020 (Guadalajara, 13-16 de mayo) e IPSA 2020 (Lisboa, 25-29 de julio) han sido aprobados. Se realizarán dos paneles en cada Congreso, de acuerdo con los programas adjuntos.
Invitamos de antemano a l@s coleg@s que planean asistir a los eventos. ¡Será un placer contar con su presencia!
Congreso LASA2020
Guadalajara, México del 13 al 16 de mayo, 2020.
Área temática Instituciones y Procesos Políticos
Sesión «Estrategias para el análisis geo-electoral. Partidos y electorados en América Latina»
Chair: María José Bravo Ahumada, Universidad Diego Portales
Discussant: Silvia Gómez-Tagle, El Colegio de México
Session Organizer: Juan Milanese, Universidad ICESI
«Desentrañando las bases socio-territoriales de los partidos políticos: análisis las dimensiones espaciales de la afiliación partidista y el comportamiento electoral en Panamá»
Juan Diego Alvarado, Centro de Estudios Democráticos;
» It’s the local economy, my friend!» Sonia Terron, Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística (IBGE);
«Estrategias geo-espaciales para la medición de la congruencia inter-nivel del sistema de partidos. Análisis del caso colombiano 1982-2018»
Juan Milanese, Universidad ICESI;
«Los territorios de la desigualdad social, cultural y política: Marginación socioeconómica, voto e identidades indígenas en el México sub-nacional»
Willibald Sonnleitner, El Colegio de México;
Sesión «Herramientas geo-espaciales para el estudio de los electorados urbanos. Análisis de los casos de Santiago de Chile, México (DF) y Manizales»
Chair: Sonia Terron, IBGE
Discussant: Willibald Sonnleitner, El Colegio de México
Session Organizer: Juan Milanese, Universidad ICESI
«La participación política en el territorio. Análisis de determinantes residenciales georreferenciadas en el Área Metropolitana de Santiago (AMS), 2016-2017»
Vicente Inostroza, Universidad Diego Portales; María José Bravo Ahumada, Universidad Diego Portales; Yohana Astudillo, Universidad Diego Portales;
«Un ejercicio de análisis de la distribución espacial de algunas características de los votantes y abstencionistas en las elecciones locales en Manizales en 2011»
Juan Castellanos, Universidad de Caldas;
«Poder y democracia en la geografía de los centros urbanos»
Silvia Gómez-Tagle, El Colegio de México;
CHAIR: Dr. Tobias Hofmann
CHAIR: Dra. Sonia Terron
DISCUSSANTS: Dr. Willibald Sonnleitner and Dr. Clayton Cunha Filho
New technologies have rapidly and profoundly affected our societies, economy and politics in recent decades. GPS and digital cartography enabled new models of urban transport, company and work relationships. Voters are increasingly turning to the internet and to social networks for political information and to exchange their views. Fake news thus became viral and may have influenced the dynamics and outcomes of recent elections. On the other hand, all Latin American countries still continue to have their violent and poor corners to administer. Inequality casts its shadow on rising violence, on the high cost of public policy and the economy; and the geographical context, as conceptualized by Agnew, still matters!
As a Research Group of Spatial Analysis of the Latin American Political Science Association (ALACIP), our main objective is to encourage the development of studies and research using the broad list of methods and techniques of spatial analysis to understand political issues and to evaluate and find new solutions for public policies. For this panel, ESPACIO ALACIP was able to coordinate a set of papers on four different Latin American countries, covering specific orientations of young people´s political culture in three different Mexican states during the past 2018 presidential election, causes and local contexts of violence against women in Santiago de Chile, spatial dimensions of party affiliation and electoral behavior in Panamá, methodological issues of spatial analysis applied to the Dominican Republic, and finally, two papers analyzing the Brasilian Chamber of Deputies, one on gender and electoral geography in the national 2018 elections, and the other on spatial evidences of distributive policies.
PAPERS on alphabetical order (Authors, Co-Authors):
«Gender and Electoral Geography: analyzing the spatial structure of the electoral competition for the Brazilian Chamber of Deputies in 2018», Mr. Ricardo Dantas Gonçalves; Mrs. Juliana Inez Luiz de Souza; Mrs. Maria Cecilia Eduardo
«Partisan dealignment and political engagement of Mexican youth. A comparative analysis of the 2012 and 2018 presidential elections.», Dr. Oniel Díaz Jimenez; Dra. Silvia Gómez Tagle
«The importance of contiguity criteria in Dominican Republic spatial electoral studies», Mr. Omar Perez Rubiera
«The production of distributive policies in the Brazilian Chamber of Deputies: evidence based on the spatial dimension», Prof. Samira Kauchakje; Ms. Carin Caroline Deda; Miss Patricia Almeida
«The social bases of the political parties: analyzing the spatial dimensions of party affiliation and electoral behavior in Panamá», Mr. Juan Diego Alvarado
«Violence and neighborhood crime promote violence against women», Prof. Hugo Contreras
CHAIR: Dr. Tobias Hofmann
CHAIR: Dr. Jesus Tovar
DISCUSSANTS: Prof. Samira Kauchakje and. Ms. Natália de Paula Moreira
New technologies have rapidly and profoundly affected our societies, economy and politics in recent decades. GPS and digital cartography enabled new models of urban transport, company and work relationships. Voters are increasingly turning to the internet and to social networks for political information and to exchange their views. Fake news thus became viral and may have influenced the dynamics and outcomes of recent elections. On the other hand, all Latin American countries still continue to have their violent and poor corners to administer. Inequality casts its shadow on rising violence, on the high cost of public policy and the economy; and the geographical context, as conceptualized by Agnew, still matters!
As a Research Group of Spatial Analysis of the Latin American Political Science Association (ALACIP), our main objective is to encourage the development of studies and research using the broad list of methods and techniques of spatial analysis to understand political issues and to evaluate and find new solutions for public policies. For this panel, ESPACIO ALACIP was able to coordinate a set of four papers on Mexican and Brasilian Politics, covering a three years geographic observation project on participatory democracy in México City, a proposal of a typology to better reflect the recent political renewal of the Brasilian National Congress, a comparative analysis of the social, demographic and geographical dimensions of PSL (bolsonaristas) and PT voting for president in Brasilian last election, and finally, two studies relating socio-economic development and poverty, as stable and spatially structured processes, with the changing territorial dynamics of electoral behavior, in Mexico and Brasil, to understand what a spatial approach provides to explain the links between both processes in comparative perspective.
PAPERS on alphabetical order (Authors, Co-Authors):
«A Geography of Economic Development and Vote Behavior in Brasil», Dra. Sonia Terron
«A Geography of Human Development and Electoral Turnout in Mexico», Dr. Willibald Sonnleitner
«A typology of ‘political renewal’: the 2018 legislative election in Brazil», Dra. Carolina de Paula; Dr. Tiago Storni; Prof. João Feres Jr
«Local Power and Grass Root Democracy in the Geography of Metropolitan Urban Areas: Mexico City Participatory Budget», Dra. Silvia Gómez Tagle; Ms. Brenda Perea
«Sociodemographic and geographical pattern of voting in the 2018 elections: the case of the PSL and the PT», Dra. Maria do Socorro Braga; Prof Luciana Veiga; Prof. Samira Kauchakje