Modern colonialism’s insidiousness lies in its repression and reorganization of the cultural priorities of the oppressed. This cultural domination has been underwritten by historical modes of temporality that construe time in linear, discrete, progressive and secular terms. Studies of the colonial demonstrate that historical conceptions of time have not only flattened the pasts of the oppressed into anachronism, but also determined their future to be one of catching up with ‘Europe.’ Given this thinking decolonization necessarily involves exploring the manifold temporalities manifested in the quotidian as well as extraordinary responses of the oppressed.
In keeping with such an expectation, a 2016 special issue of Contexto Internacional: journal of global connections, guest-edited by Narendran Kumarakulasingam (Center for Refugee Studies, York University), is dedicated to exploring the relationship between temporality and decolonization. The editors warmly welcome research articles from scholars at any career stage, that focus on: how colonial temporalities were and continue to be challenged, undermined, or even ignored; what kinds of alternative temporalities underwrote dissent in colonial and postcolonial contexts; the degree to which alternative temporalities allow for a reclaiming of selfhood and culture for the oppressed; and how alternative temporalities reimagine the past, the present, and the future outside of the strictures of colonial modes of thinking.
We anticipate that successful submissions will be able to speak to one or more of the following questions:
- How have indigenous, decolonial and postcolonial knowledges, voices, and practices contended with, and, disrupted the imposition of linear progressive time?
- What kinds of temporalities have been invoked in the creative responses by subjugated peoples in their pursuit of survival and freedom? How do decolonial and postcolonial visions of liberation and freedom invoke time?
- What kinds of social relations, sensibilities, and subjectivities are materialized in decolonial and postcolonial temporalities?
- How do recalcitrant temporalities provide imaginative resources for arriving at richer understandings of the political (broadly conceived) than those offered by Western social/political theory and/or International Relations theory?
Original manuscripts of 7000-10000 words (including notes and references), written in English, should be submitted by 10 January 2016. The Editorial Committee will select papers based on scope, theoretical adequacy/originality and adherence to editorial guidelines. Submissions from authors at early career stages are welcome. Selected papers will go through a double-blind peer review process. Publication of all manuscripts is conditional on reviewers and editorial approval. Manuscripts should be original and unpublished, and should follow the general instructions available at: http://goo.gl/MxJN4V. All submissions must include a cover letter clearly indicating that the proposal is for the Special Issue on ‘Decolonial temporalities’, and informing author(s)’s title/institution and affiliation. Authors should hold a PhD or be enrolled in a PhD program in International Relations, Political Science or related field at the time of submission. All submissions must be done through Contexto Internacional’s ScholarOne website at https://goo.gl/7XxHEo.
Questions should be sent by email to contextointernacional@puc-rio.
Important dates:
- Paper submission: 10 January 2016
- Acceptance (evaluation by editorial committee) by 30 January 2016.
- Peer review process: up to 120 days